Theory of Writing

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Jonathan Lopez

English 11000

Justin Falk-Gee



Theory of Writing

Greetings to you reading this. My name is Jonathan Lopez from Professor Falk-Gee English 11000 class and this is my theory of writing. My writing process has been very rough where I attempt to do challenging or unthinkable topics when writing any paper. My execution of it has been very bad but coming into this class learning how to analyze articles and texts through a rhetorical lens, my writing abilities have improved in a major way. Before coming into this class, at the beginning of the semester, my writing was not at the level it was at the end as I did not know how to choose the proper evidence to support my claims and ideas. In addition to that, I did not know how to properly analyze the chosen evidence by noting its tone, purpose, or language. In addition to this, I also did not even think about the author in any way, shape, or form. I did not know how to analyze and theorize the author’s stance, the genre of their text, or diction and this showed in my first papers where I earned a measly 80, in all my classes, not just English. But after learning how to analyze these concepts with practice in all my classes, I was able to improve my writing and even developing my own structure of how to write papers. I first start out with setting the general setting of the paragraph by setting quasi-evidence but mixed in with my thoughts. Next, I lead into my evidence where I only say what is necessary for the paragraph and follow with an analysis of what the evidence meant for the topic of my paragraph and the impact it has on my paper. Using this new structure of writing, my writing has improved with this new structure of placing the foundation with evidence and analysis soon after where I went to the 90s and A territory with all my final papers in earning 90 or more.