self reflection

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I registered for this class late and in all honesty this class has nothing to do with what I want to pursue but I’m very glad that I took this class, I went from being a non-confident writer who made many mistakes to be a more confident writer and I tried to eliminate the mistakes that I made.

Over the course of the semester we have done many projects, I learned how to do a proper resume along with a cover letter which will help me when applying for future jobs, this is not something in which I knew how to do prior to taking this class, I had never really had a job where I needed to have a cover letter and resume. On the next project we were set to write an op-ed, this task was one in which I have never heard before but I picked my topic and I ran with it, admittedly I didn’t put much effort into the one page assignment, but then we did the conference paper which at first seemed like a very scary task but then I got a great idea for my project and couldn’t stop writing until I completed 8 pages when the minimum you could do is 5 I was one of the first to finish the paper in the class. I did this with the help of professor Brener she would check it and send it back and give great feedback on the paper and when I did my last sumbission I was very confident that my work was going to get an A. I have learned a lot from this class especially how to analyze what is being asked and being able to put those thoughts onto paper.

This class especially helped me with my confidence because I wasn’t the strongest person when it came to group work and when I was partnered with 3 other strangers we all worked well together we came up with an idea and then when it came to our turn to present we were  very confident and ready, this class has helped me tremendously it made me expand my vocabulary as well as not to be bothered by a paper that says 8 pages, it’s given me confidence to know that I can tackle any assignment that comes my way.