My Journey 8.31.15 Hithia Shibuya Draft 1

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I am currently an associate teacher at South Bronx Classical Charter School. I did not forsee myself becoming a teacher when I was younger. when I got to college I decided that teaching would be a fitting profession. People said that I would be a good teacher. I went through NYU and got my degree and all the requirements for my teaching certificate. I was planning to become a teacher but as life would have it, I took the long route to becoming a teacher. I ended up in South Korea after graduating becoming a private English tutor. For personal reasons I stuck around for a year. Coming back to the states, I was not even sure I wanted to continue teaching. I tried working at a preschool which made me not want to teach but after subbing for elementary schools I found that I did like to teach, just not in a preschool. This gave me a renewed effort to continue my studies and continue my profession.  Now I finally feel that I have reached a place where I can start grad school. It took a while but I’m here and hope to gain so much to starting and seeing one of my major goals in life accomplished.