How Did I Wrote My Profile paper?

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Before I began to write my profile paper, in a quiet and organized room, I think about place, thing, and people that I could write about for my profile paper. Then Italy came to my mind, and on a piece of paper, I brainstorm about Italy. Afterward, I tried to separate those ideas into a different paragraph by creating a formal outline. Then, I came up with a thesis statement and topic sentences to guide my paper and paragraphs from my brainstorm ideas. Furthermore, I researched to include ideas in my essay and to gain more knowledge about Italy.

Thereafter, I began to write my second drafts because I had enough information to incorporate those bullet points in bigger ideas. Moreover, after I finish each paragraph, I took five minutes break to refresh my mind. When I finished with the second drafts than I began to proofread my paper several times to check my grammar errors, edits necessary information, and deletes unnecessary information. Then I sent my paper to my peers for feedbacks.

After that, the suggestions I got from my peers I tried to incorporate into my essay if I felt those changes were necessary for my paper. I included every feedbacks you gave it to me because I thought those changes were essential in my essay to improved. Additionally, I went to the writing center after I had finish my second and final drafts to make sure that the information I add had no grammatical errors. Lastly, I included feedbacks from the writing center into my essay, and then I submitted my final paper on the blackboard and handed you the hard copy in the classroom.