Global Warming

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Kacper Lesniak

Professor Falk-Gee

ENGL 10150

September 17, 2019

Global Warming

Global warming is affecting everyone in the world and is changing the world as we know it. It is a very real occasion that is altering the world as well as many national and international events. Although, some people do not believe that it is existent and that it is having harmful effects on the environment as well as us humans. This is sort of thinking that is making the situation worse rather than making it better. The warming of the planet is causing wars to break out, sea levels to rise and begin to drown some coastal cities throughout the world. It is starting fires in rainforests and is causing governments to argue and fight over what should be done to help prevent this from getting worse. Global warming is a real event and humans have to begin to take it seriously before it is too late, and we cannot reverse the effects that have already started to take place.

Global warming is partially to blame for the outbreak of wars. Governments are arguing over solutions to this giant dilemma. The war in Syria is a prime example of this. In Syria people are fighting because the drought dried out the land wretchedly, causing it to become infertile. The people were self-sufficient off the farmland, and in order to feed them and their families they needed to move towards cities. These cities were not very accepting of them. “Consider Syria. Between 2012 and 2015 three academic papers argued that climate change had been a catalyst or even a primary driver of the civil war…The argument was that human emissions had caused or exacerbated a severe drought in Syria in the late 2000s that triggered mass migration from farmland into cities, contributing tensions which ultimately led to war.” According to How climate change can fuel wars; Global warming by Economist Intelligence Unit N.A. Incorporated, global warming was the main factor to this conflict. All over the world global warming is causing droughts and floods. Making lands incapable to grow crops, or too fertile. The people in these environments had stability, they were making a living and surviving off their lands. However, now citizens are forced to alter their life. In Syria, the famers and people in the cities were living separate lives, now since the drought the forced migration made them come together. These people had separate lifestyles, beliefs and values, these differences colliding cause feuds. Especially new people invading your homeland.

            Global warming is not only affecting us humans, but ocean life as well. According to Research Results from Bioscience Research Center Update Knowledge of Global Warming and Climate Change (Exposure of key marine species to sunscreens: Changing ecotoxicity as a possible indirect effect of global warming) by Global Warming Focus, aquatic ecosystems are being directly targeted by Global Warming. “Furthermore, changes in water salinity induced by global warming could significantly affect the ecotoxicological responses of marine species exposed to sunscreens…This study, also, analyzes the changes in ecotoxicological responses of the tested species linked to increase in salinity. Results showed that salinity stress significantly increases the toxicity of sunscreens on the tested marine species.” We get an abundance of our food from the ocean. Many careers such as fisherman rely on aquatic life. Global warming is causing toxins to enter these animals. We need fish to remain eligible for human consumption. Japan for example needs fish because it is a main source of their food due to their geography. It has a large mountain range not suitable for a profusion of crops. Therefore, since they are an island, fishing is a huge means of them obtaining food. If human’s sunscreen continues releasing toxins to these animals, marine life as we know can come to extinction.

The effects of global warming have also spread into affecting coastal cities almost drowning these cities and making it almost impossible for its residence to survive. One example of this is the city of Venice in Italy, Venice has been called the floating city for decades maybe even centuries. Venice is famous for being the city that floats on water, this brings in millions of tourists each year. Many of these tourists want to go on a beautiful boat ride throughout the city on its ‘streets’ which are really just little waterways and rivers going throughout the city. Global warming is slowly making the situation for Venice worse and worse everyday. It is slowly making the water levels to rise and is gradually drowning the city. This not only is a problem for the people of Venice but also for the economy of Italy, as the tourists mentioned earlier will slowly stop to come visit and cause the city and country to lose money. This quote from High and Dry by  American Association for the Advancement of Science proofs the effects of global warming on Venice “Venice is being swallowed by the sea. The combination of land subsidence due to groundwater pumping and sea level rise due to global warming has increased the water level in the city by 23 cm in the past 100 years, and a further rise of about S0 cm is projected to occur over the next century.”. There have been plans that have been proposed to try and stop this from happening but many fear that it might already be too late and that global warming has been going on for too long to stop it or to reverse its effects.

Some people believe that global warming is a hoax and have the belief that there’s nothing wrong with our planet. One of these believers is the most powerful man in America maybe even the world, and that is President Donald Trump. He firmly doesn’t believe that global warming exists and is also a little confused as to how global warming works as well as its effects on us and the planet. There have been some freezing temperatures in the Midwest, some even going as into the negative thirties and below. What Donald Trump has decided to say on the topic confirms the claim about him being confused and not believing in global warming. “In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!” TRUMP’S TWEETS HIGHLIGHT CLIMATE CONTRADICTIONS by States News Service. This quote sounds like Donald Trump is making fun of global warming by saying that it should come to the Midwest and warm the area up a little bit since its temperatures are in the negative sixties. Having a president that doesn’t believe in such an immense and serious issue is terrible for us and for the environment. Donald Trump being a business man himself is most likely the reason for his belief system because factories and most fossil fuel contributors are owned and caused by big powerful companies, these companies have the money and the power of friendship with President Trump to help influence the way he feels about global warming.

All these sources may be talking about different things, but they all have one thing in common and that is they all talk about the harmful effects that global warming is having on our planet and how it impacts everyone in society. As you can clearly see these sources are proof that global warming is a disease that needs to be ended in order for the human race to survive and for the future generations to be able to thrive in this world. It is starting wars and killing important habitats and ecosystems that are crucial to for other species as well as our species. We only have a limited amount of time before climate change reaches a irreversible level we are unable to do anything about it. People who still don’t believe that global warming is a real event are the ones that are going to cause humanity to come to an end. With our sea levels rising and coastal cities soon to be flooded and uninhabitable these businessmen and huge fossil fuel oriented companies are going to come to an end, this is because people are finally going to realize the harm that is being done and are going to put an end to it. This end needs to come quick because all the articles are telling us that we have limited time before things get worse and we need them to get better.

Global warming is a very real and terrible event that is happening to our world. It is affecting everything from our ecosystems all the way to how people live and how some wars are started. We need to do more in order to raise awareness and to help prevent this from getting to an irreversible point. We need to change the minds of those people that don’t believe that this is happening and get them to help us overturn this catastrophic event before it is too late. It is easy to get started and to help as well as it is easy to inform people about climate change and we need to take a stand by helping the environment and ecosystems out. Humans need to be the solution to the problem that they created.












Work Cited

“Consider Syria. Between 2012 and 2015 three academic papers argued that climate change had been a catalyst or even a primary driver of the civil war…The argument was that human emissions had caused or exacerbated a severe drought in Syria in the late 2000s that triggered mass migration from farmland into cities, contributing tensions which ultimately led to war.” According to How climate change can fuel wars; Global warming by Economist Intelligence Unit N.A.

Research Results from Bioscience Research Center Update Knowledge of Global Warming and Climate Change (Exposure of key marine species to sunscreens: Changing ecotoxicity as a possible indirect effect of global warming) by Global Warming Focus, aquatic ecosystems are being directly targeted by Global Warming. “Furthermore, changes in water salinity induced by global warming could significantly affect the ecotoxicological responses of marine species exposed to sunscreens…This study, also, analyzes the changes in ecotoxicological responses of the tested species linked to increase in salinity. Results showed that salinity stress significantly increases the toxicity of sunscreens on the tested marine species.”

High and Dry by  American Association for the Advancement of Science proofs the effects of global warming on Venice “Venice is being swallowed by the sea. The combination of land subsidence due to groundwater pumping and sea level rise due to global warming has increased the water level in the city by 23 cm in the past 100 years, and a further rise of about S0 cm is projected to occur over the next century.”

. “In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!” TRUMP’S TWEETS HIGHLIGHT CLIMATE CONTRADICTIONS by States News Service.