Global Warming Research Paper

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Global Warming and Politics 


    The existing information that we have on global warming and climate change offers little guidance on the amount of damage the globe is suffering. The increase of internal global temperature has been over thousands of years, however, it has been increasing lately. Since the Industrial revolution around the 1760s, the amount of carbon dioxide and other kinds of gasses damaged the ozone cap and increase the greenhouse effect making the world hotter. And increasing climate change with it. The elected head of our country was not a perfect example a couple of years back o on how to treat this cause, but it has gotten better over the few months. There are many ways that we can stop this effect on the world before it gets to 1.5 degrees over the global’s normal temperature.


The meteor that will extinguish the human race is one that we have predicted from years ago. We know how to stop it, but we do nothing about it. It’s called Global Warming. 

In a NASA article called “The Causes of Climate” change that was published when NASA started studying climate change around 1980. It argues the way global warming started, causes, and effects between other topics. The purpose of this article is to inform regular people about the causes and effects of global warming, what we have done to stop it and what we can still do to reduce this temperature. This paper adopts a formal and assertive tone to make it strong and understandable for most of the population to understand and interact with. “Scientists attribute the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century to the human expansion of the “greenhouse effect”1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.” (Page #1 Sentences 1-3). This explains why the temperature is increasing, that is the greenhouse effect. Gasses get caught in the ozone layer and make some light get into the globe and some do not let the light leave. 

The authors Yangyang Xu, Veerabhadran Ramanathan, and David G. Victor. In their article called “Global Warming Will Happen Faster Than We Think” which was published in December 2018 addresses the topic of the increase of global temperature at an amazing and worrying speed and argues future predictions on how much time will it take to kill the human race outrunning our adaptation abilities. The purpose of these incredible authors is to make reasoning into the people and get into their feelings. They predicted the amount of temperature that will be around the world in 10 years, 20 years which is incredibly fast. Their children will suffer the consequences of our actions and their children’s children. They adopt a more aggressive tone to mess with people’s heads and turn them against this very dangerous topic.


Here is an image showing the amount of temperature that the globe will be above its normal level in the next couple of years. Even with some variation, there is a critical and deadly increase expected that will kill every live spice in the world, slowly. 

The paper “Climate policy: Ditch the 2 °C warming goal” published in 2014 by two professors of the University of California demonstrates how global warming affects climate change. The number of greenhouse effects also has a big impact on the difference in climate change. “A single index of climate-change risk would be wonderful. Such a thing, however, cannot exist. Instead, a set of indicators is needed to gauge the varied stresses that humans are placing on the climate system and their possible impacts. Doctors call their basket of health indices vital signs. The same approach is needed for the climate”(page 2, sentences 67-71). This explains what humans are doing to increase the randomness and dangerousness of climate change. It also comments how the sea reflects a lot on global warming. “The oceans are taking up 93% of the extra energy being added to the climate system, which is stoking sea-level rise and other climate impacts”


    “The Real Clime Debate” This Paper has a very straightforward and informative tone, by responding to questions that the general public has and can easily understand. It was published in October 2017 by Peter Agre, Mario Molina , and Steven Chu, persons with different occupations but with the same goal. What does politics have to do with climate change and global warming? They think that scientists should make a big part of politics. Even though some scientists have been in the government, there should be a little more and with bigger influence within the public, they think that with this, the public will have a bigger impact and take this situation more seriously. 

Talking about politics, we have “President Trump announced on Thursday that the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate accord, weakening efforts to combat global warming and embracing isolationist voices in his White House who argued that the agreement was a pernicious threat to the economy and American sovereignty” (Publish by the New York Times newspaper in June 2017). This paragraph illustrates that President Trump did not care about global warming and climate change. He tried to get the United States out of the Paris climate accord. “At what point does America get demeaned? At what point do they start laughing at us as a country?” Mr. Trump said. “We don’t want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore. And they won’t be.” These are words that The president said. He thought that the other countries were laughing at him and his country for trying to stop global warming. His mind was just on his country and even though it sounds selfish, he was just taking care of the job he was assigned to. This is a good example of a lack of information about this topic and that scientists need to do a better job at informing the general public. 

In conclusion, global warming is a major challenge for our current global society. There is no doubt that global warming will change our lives in the next couple of decades. The question is if we are going to be able to decrease its speed and be able to adapt to these new changes or if it will outspeed us and kill the whole human race. Every single person in this world should be making this stop, either by doing something to the environment like taking a bike instead of your car or voting each time so you know at least you are voting for a person that has knowledge about this and has the initiative to stop it.