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Literally, Semiotics is the study of sign. That is any activity that involve signs. Sign is anything that have meaning during communication. Linguistics is anything base on student notes.  Linguistics generalize the definition of a sign or gave definition of a sign. Linguistic is a study of language. Therefore, language is an object to study rather than cinema, ballet and fashion (963,964).

Apparently, language helps us to communicate with one another. On the other way words used make sentences clear and understandable. It yields meaning. The diagram in (964 and 963) clearly distinguishes the two and 964 shows clarity. Words on the other way produce a sentences. In language process, we use symbols regularly to communicate to make meaning. Language helps to us to read and write. The two diagrams shows the relationship between different types of linguistic in which the later showed improvement (964).

Saussure declared that language is structured. It is a system of signs and concept of languages.

Saussure declared that the signified and signifier are psychological. The two are form but not substance. Signifier is identified as the material form that is something which can be

seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted. It signifies as mental concept (967).

Saussure noted that language is borderland between thought and sound. However, thought and sound go together to make up communication. He declared that linguistic sign combine is a combination of concept and sound image to make communication understandable (967)

Scientific study of language is linguistic. The surface of linguistics let Native America families as well as Austronesian languages. Language is structured phenomena and is a way of communicating with one another. Humans use language as a form of drawing one person attention. It can be used in social functions (967).

Saussure divide language into two elements. The very first part is langue which is the abstract system of language that has been internalized by a speech neighborhood and the other is the parole or speaking practice language.

In a nutshell, association is form in the head. It is not a structured language but Syntagmatic is the end result of linguistic structure. Syntagmatic allow few new words to show up and recognized and accepted and associations dislodge patterns. For instance, the column of a building form an association. Symbols is a form of association. Syntagmatic allow for expression. In grammar (syntagmatic) showed expression (975).The account of Saussure on language and linguistics was credible but after his dead no record was found









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