A trip to Peru

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I step out of the back seat of the car our friend picked us up from.

The Peruvian air shifting on my face, the Peruvian weather welcoming me back like an old pal.

The ambiance of Peru always smelt of burning wood, it was like a constant barbecue was going on in this place. I’m not complaining, just so you know.

I turned my head to look around my childhood neighborhood, I see our Peruvian friends coming out of their house with giant Peruvian smiles stuck on their faces, their Peruvian eyebrows raised, their Peruvian eyes widen and their arms holding out for a Peruvian hug.

My mother hugs her best friend and begins to cry tears of joy.

It has been 27 years since my mother has seen her. It has been 25 years since I have been to my mother land.

No matter how long it has been, I will never forget how close the houses are.

These Peruvian houses are wide, made of brick and cement.

These Peruvian houses are accompanied with a big porch that you may make it as a home to your car.

I remember sitting on this porch from my old Peruvian home, blowing bubbles, laughing, enjoying my childhood innocence that even little balls that are made out of soap and water made my brightest days.

I remember when I got stung by a Peruvian wasp on this porch.

I was minding my business, sitting in a box, most likely making myself laugh, then I hear a buzzing noise.

Its buzzing next to me like a dentist drilling my cavities. I was terrified of dentists at this age.

I remember meeting up my friends in front of our houses.

Our wide Peruvian houses has a big park right across from our homes where we played every day until the day went to the night.

Until we saw the moon welcoming in to the sky.

Until our Peruvian mothers called us in for dinner.

I remember the skies being mildly full of stars and the big moon staring at us as if it was urging us to go home. Many buildings have popped up in Peru ever since I have been gone.

New shopping centers, new commercial buildings and apartment buildings are surrounding the old super markets that used to populate my town.

But no matter the circumstances, Peru will always be my home.

It will always welcome me with open Peruvian arms.